Exploring the future of therapy in the digital age.

At Paradym Health, we want to hold space for clients and clinicians. Our hybrid care platform combines self-guided app programming with compassionate care to revolutionize the mental healthcare experience.

Transforming Behavioral Healthcare: A New Era

Paradym Health combines our patient engagement tool and a platform to track and monitor clinical care. By incorporating our app plus therapy, this platform allows for more time dedicated to clients and less time allocated towards paperwork. This shift in focus will result in improved care and higher client retention.

Our app, trusted by over 100,000 users worldwide and backed by published research, sets a new standard in patient engagement tools. Unlike any other on the market, Paradym uniquely enhances both user well-being and therapist effectiveness.

Sustainable practice growth

The platform facilitates ongoing, asynchronous engagement between sessions, which helps in building a stronger therapeutic relationship, leading to higher client retention and satisfaction.

Data driven insights

Paradym Health offers analytics and insights that help therapists understand client progress, adjust treatments, and improve outcomes over time.

Differentiate your practice

Set your practice apart by offering a mobile engagement tool to clients to complement your therapist’s work. Studies show that 44% of millennials would choose a medical provider because they offered digital solutions.

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With Paradym Health, you will achieve the following outcomes:

Clients are an active participant in their treatment, putting in the work between sessions to make the change happen and own their recovery, a key element to behavioral healthcare
Our preliminary findings have seen a 15% increase in engagement rate when their clients utilize the app.
Strengthen the feedback and measurement loop between you and the patient by allowing a patient to share moods, aha moments, life events as they happen but you can review prior to a session.
With Paradym Health, our partners have seen 20% less turnover in their practices.
Paradym Health eases the intake process and ongoing administrative work through comprehensive reporting and record keeping.
Our studies show that you’ll be able to dedicate more time to clients and 60% less time on administrative tasks and paperwork.
Paradym Health is an opportunity to meet digital natives where they are and provide a way to make the change happen and own their recovery, a key element to behavioral healthcare
Feedback includes 91% of clients who saw outcomes utilizing the app within two weeks versus six weeks with traditional therapy on its own.
Increase client engagement
Bridge the gap between sessions
Focus on the clinical aspect
Personalized digital plans for clients

For group practices

A solution for efficient operating processes, streamlined administrative work, and therapy-ready clients.

For individual clinicians

Opportunity for increased engagement and tracking patient care and results.
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Paradym is an innovator in emotional well-being interventions. Our shared commitment to quality is unmatched, and we are excited to launch a collaboration that will significantly enhance our clients' resilience and fulfilment.

Dr Fred Kass

Former Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs at Columbia’s College of Physicians &
Rappore Co-Founder

Our patient engagement tool has been featured in the following media

Paradym Health is your solution for more effective and efficient client care.

80% increase in well-being

As measured by the WHO-5 well-being index of users within the app.

*Note: statistically significant changes were calculated using Reliable Change Index. See Morley & Dowzer (2014)

100,000+ users

Our client engagement tool has over 100,000 users that may be looking for an added therapy component.

86% retention

Clients stay with their therapist while using the app to continue learning about themselves.

Client stories

Cindy Lou Fowler

Google play customer

Honestly probably the best app I've ever used! Its relatively cheap I think and it's actually getting down to the core of who I am and why I do things! 100% love and recommend this app to everyone struggling with mental health or their self-image!

Megan Vos

Google play customer

I absolutely love this app. I have been using it every single day, just completely engrossed in it. I've been working through many major issues with myself with Paradym and I've never found an app that has everything I will ever need for my therapy all in one place until I started using this one. It works!